ini videonya



Tidak banyak orang di Mojokerto ini yang mengenal tentang kompleks prasasti ini, Salah satu peninggalan kerajaan majapahit yang masih tersisa. Gambar di samping hanya pintu gerbang menuju prasasti kembang sore yang berada di daerah pacet. Lokasinya sulit dijangkau dengan menggunakan mobil, jadi jika mau kesana harus menggunakan sepeda motor maupun sepada angin. Lokasi prasasti ini dekat dengan daerah persawahan dan rumah penduduk, jadi lokasinya tidak mudah dikenali oleh pengunjung. Udara yang sejuk menambah keasrian kompleks prasasti ini, mungkin karena lokasinya yang berada di daerah pacet sehingga tidak ada polusi disana.
Situs Prasasti Kembangsore atau yang disebut juga dengan Prasasti Watu Tulis ini terletak di Dusun Kembangsore Desa Petak Kecamatan Pacet. Dari terminal Pacet ke arah utara  3 km. Prasati Kembangsore berupa batu andesit berbentuk oval berukuran tinggi 1,2 meter, lebar 1,5 meter. Pada bagian batu yang agak pipih terdapat pahatan huruf jawa kuno dan gambar-gambar, seperti gambar keris, ular membelit tongkat, yoni, sepasang tapak kaki. Dengan payung songsong 3, surya majapahit dan perlengkapan upacara. Di sekitar prasasti ditemukan juga berbagai artefak berupa batu dan arca


"I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU! " Jeanne's eyes were wide and filled with tears. She was afraid of what he would say to her.

Jeanne was a nerdy girl with thick glasses. She was a junior in her middle school. She was in love with the hottest guy in the entire school.

And now, she told him that she loved him.

"Haha! Shut up. Nobody would like you! Who do you think I am?"

Jeanne had feared he would say something like that. She was devastated. She started running. She didn't want to face him ever again. All these thoughts and feelings ran throughout her head. Until, she bumped into something.

"Hey, whats up?"

She had bumped into James.


"NO! James! Don't do it! It's not his fault. I was the foolish one to think we can ever date."
"But Jeanne!"
" No, it's OK! I should go."
" JEANNE... James grabbed her by the wrist as she was getting up. Don't go."

Jeanne stared into his eyes and felt so warm and fuzzy; a feeling she didn't feel for a long time. But, she looked away. She saw in such a long time, it felt awkward to feel it again. And then she gently took her wrist out of James' grasp and slowly walked away from him with tears in her eyes.

"Dammit, James! You really did it this time! Jeanne just left you! And why are you trying to hit on her?"

James walked back home with his hands stuffed in his pocket. Thoughts of Jeanne ran throughout his head. He didn't want Jeanne to be hurt by a jackass. He wanted to show her that he loved her. He wanted to show her he cared. But Jeanne just seemed to ignore him. And then, something ran into him. He crashed on the ground and saw Jeanne was on top of him. She seemed to not know whom she crashed into. James smiled.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I'm very, very sorry. I should have been more careful.. I'm sorry. Can I repay you somehow?"
"Jeanne", James said, lifting her chin and brushing her bangs. Jeanne looked through his soft eyes and almost melted.
"James..." said Jeanne. Suddenly, she started crying. James was shocked.
" J-Jeanne? What's wrong?"
"I' m s-s-such a f-fool! H-How c-c-can I th-think t-that G-Gyung H-Hoon c-can love me?"
"Jeanne.. I would not call that foolish.. I actually admire you going up to him and confessing. However, crying about him is indeed foolish. Jeanne, Don't cry about that jerk. Here, let's go to my house. We're right in front of it!" Jeanne nodded.

James led her to the bathroom.

"Take off your glasses. We need to wipe those tears off." He said with a smile. Jeanne took them off without a word. James turned on the water and wet a washcloth. Then, he gently wiped her tears off her face.
" James.. Do you love me?" James was startled by this comment.
" Why do you ask me that?"
" Because.. it seems like it. Do you?"
" Haha! Jeanne, you are my friend."
" Oh.. OK. I think I'm not so teary now. Thanks, James."
" No Problem. Do you want something to drink?"
" Um... OK." She followed James out the door.
He handed her a glass of orange juice and they sat down outside on a bench.
" Are you going to be all right?"
" Yeah.. Thanks. But I don't think I'll be able to face him again."
" When he calls you something bad, just yell my name. OK?"
" OK." she said with a small laugh.
" But what are you going to do when I call you?"
" I'm going to beat him up!"
" What if everyone starts hating you?"
" It doesn't matter. As long as the one girl I love is happy."
" Ooh, James! You like someone?"
" Yeah.. Guess. I'll never tell you until you get the right answer."
" Hmm... is it Amy? She's pretty! What about Lauren? She's nice and quiet. Or is it Becca? She's generous. Or maybe it's Courtney! She's not all that nice though..."

After a few tries, she gave up.

"Who is it? I'm dying of curiosity!"
" Let's see.. she has glasses.. she's in love with Eric, she's sitting right next to me! Jeanne let out a small gasp."
" M-Me?" James nodded. Jeanne almost passed out.
" James! I have declared you crazy." James started laughing.
" Why won't you believe me? I like you.. I want you to be my girlfriend."
" But you're the second hottest guy in school! What if everyone criticizes you for bad taste in girls?"
" I don't care¦ I told you. As long as the one girl I love is happy." he said, smiling.
" No, really, James. No games this time. All serious.. all right?"
" Yeah.. I know."
" Oh my god..." Jeanne said, covering her mouth with her hand.
"Jeanne, I just want to be the right guy for you." he said while putting his arm around her shoulder. She leaned against him and for the first time, she felt accepted by someone special.
"But, James! Why did you say I was just a friend before?"
"Umm! I didn't feel like it was time yet." Jeanne nodded. She knew how hard it was to say, "I love you." She knew how nervous you would feel. And she knew how hard it was to feel the reject.
"I understand, James. I'm just glad you told me. I'll think about it."
"Jeanne, do you still like Eric?"
"What has he got, that I don't?"
"I just don't know! I mean! you two look the same! you guys wear things all similarly! but! I like Eric better."
"All right! I'll make him like you. He knows he's not going to win in a fight." Jeanne wrapped him in her arms.
"James! I'm all right. You don't have to do all that." And then he wrapped her in his arms.


"Eric, can I see you for a moment?"
"What up, dude?"
"It's about Jeanne!"
"Oh no! don't tell me about that ugly! I just barf when I hear her name!"
"Hey! I have other girls who want me. The least thing I need now is another girl who is ugly and slow liking me."
"She's not ugly and slow! She's kind and beautiful in the inside when you get to know her!"
"Wait! do you!?"
"Yes! I do!"
"Haha! Then why don't you date her?"
"Because! she's in love with a jackass!"
"STILL? Haha! Man, she's hilarious! After I rejected her like that?"
"Hey! please! it would mean a lot to me! just say that you at least like her as a friend and apologize for what happened last time. Man, she came running all the way to my house and started crying! She was just! out of control, man! Just tell her that! please?"
"All right!"
"You're the best!"
"Hey, Jeanne! I'm sorry for what happened last time. I was sort of tired and grouchy. I wasn't in a good mood. I never wanted to say it that way. I like you as a friend. And I want to keep that relationship. All right?" Eric let out a hand for a shake. Jeanne nodded. She let out her hand and they had a friendship shake, which made James smile.

"See? Eric likes you! He just wants to keep the relationship just as friends! All cool with you?"
"Yes.." she said softly. James took her hand and walked away with her.
"You all right, now?"
"Yeah!" she nodded. "But he only wants us to be friends! because I'm a nerd!"
"Jeanne! Why don't you ever think about me? You know he's a jerk! Why do you mope around for that! So what, if he doesn't like you! Everyone is different, Jeanne. To my eyes, you are a beauty. You can't always think about him! There are other guys out there for you! Not just Eric and me! I really don't want to see you like this."

"James! Do you really love me?"
"I don't think I need to answer that!" They stared at each other for a long time.
"James!" She tried to push him away and he staggered a little.
"Jeanne! answer this for me! do you love me?"
"James, I never intended to be your girlfriend. I just want to be your friend."
"Oh, I see! you're treating me like how Eric treated you. You don't want to be my girlfriend because I'm way different than you. You don't want to be my girlfriend because I'm better looking than you and you're afraid that people will jeer you because of that. Well, you know what? I don't care about any of that!" And with that, he grabbed her and locked her lips into his. After a while, he moved away.

"Oh, you really do love me!" She hugged him.
"But, Jeanne! do you still have feelings for him?"
"Yes! I always have, and always will."
"Do you want to be pretty? Like those girls over there?" James pointed to a group of girls. They all had big hoop earrings and what Jeanne noticed was that they did not have any thick glasses like her. Jeanne nodded. She was pretty ashamed about it.
"It's all right, Jeanne. All girls want to be good looking. Even they were ugly once. Everyone is."
"Sure! I used to act like a girl once. I always thought about my appearance, my clothes, and my hair ; just like a girl."
"Haha! That's funny!"
"It's good to see you laugh. Now, Jeanne. I'll help you become pretty'. Then will you be happy?"
"I don't know. I've never been attractive in my life.." she said innocently.
"Well, it's time you are!"

My Acting

video G.J

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Steven : Hi, good morning !
Ryozack : Good morning !
Steven : I`m Steven. What`your name ?
Ryozack : My name is Ryozack.
Steven : Where do you come from ?
Ryozack : I`m from Pacet, Indonesia. What about you ?
Steven : I`m from Birmingham, Britain.
Ryozack : Birmingham ? It is very far from here.
Steven : Yes, certain.
Ryozack : You have been living in Indonesia ?
Steven : No, I am new three-month stay in Indonesia.
Ryozack : Where do you live now ?
Steven : I live in Denpasar, Bali.
Ryozack : Okey. I have to go now.I hope we can meet again another time. Nice to meet you !
Steven : Nice to meet you to, See you.


Zacky : Hi Agnes ! Can we talk privately?
Agnes : No, I`m busy.
Zacky : Please Agnes, It is very important.
Agnes : Okey, but only five minute !
Zacky : Thanks. Agnes,please forgive me !
Agnes : What ? You want me to forgive you after what was done during this ?
Zacky : Please Agnes, I'm sorry ! I promise to change my attitude.
Agnes : You said it to yesterday.
Zacky : Come on Agnes, I1m swear this time. I promised to be a loyal man.
Agnes : Okey. But prove what you said earlier. I have to go now. Bye..!


Ryozack : Hi Steven.Welcome back from holiday.How about your holiday ?
Steven : Hi Ryozack. Well, It was so amazing. Any way, I`m bringing something for
Ryozack : Are you really ? What it is?
Steven : These original watches swiss.
Ryozack : Oh my God, this watch that I wanted all this time. Thank you very
much. I`m Really delighted.bay the way,How you can get it ?
Steven : I bought it at a shop in london that sells Swiss-made clock.
By the way. How about your holiday ?
Ryozack : It is fantstic holiday. But I got an accident while I returned home.
Steven : I`m sorry to hear that.
Ryozack : Thanks, But I`m fine and I also have something for you.
Steven : What it is ?
Ryozack : It is a Borobudur miniatur from Yogyakarta.
Steven : Wow, what a lovely miniatur.Thank you !
Ryozack : Don`t mention it !
Steven : Okey, I have to go now. Thans again for the miniatur.
Ryozack : OK. Me too. See you next time
Steven : See you.


Ryozack and keysa will attend a party at their friend's house. Ryozack wait keysa home and some time later keysa out of the house.

Keyza : Sorry, have long wait?
Ryozack : No, just half an hour.
Keyza : What? sorry, I do not know.
Ryozack : No, no, no. It does not matter.
Keyza : Thank you. want to go now?
Ryozack : Wait, you look very beautiful tonight.
Keyza : Really, thank you.
Ryozack : Yes. you look more elegant with it red dress.
Keyza : Oh yes? This is the dress on make my own mother. Thank you. You also
look very handsome tonight .
Ryozack : Thank you, but please do not compliment me like that!
Keyza : No, I'm serious. I really like the way you look tonight.
Ryozack : Thank you, I am very flattered. Please enter the princess!
Keyza : With pleasure, Prince

My 5 Motto and Principle

1.Iman and taqwa
2.Be on time time and appreciate the time
3.Diligent, and tenacious
5.Confident and never give up

5 Mottoku
1.Iman dan taqwa
2.Tepat waktu dan menghargai waktu
3,Tekun, dan ulet
5.Percaya diri dan pantang menyerah


Love is the desire to own.

Love is something that can make us happy.

Love is something that just came to me that makes us understand the sense of love saying

Love is a feeling that can not be interpreted by the words
Love is a feeling that given by God on a pair of human beings to each other .... (Love each other, have each other, meet each other, mutual understanding etc.). Love itself can not be enforced at all, love can only be brjalan if to-2 split phiak do "each other" is ... love can not start if they are selfish. Because in touch, we would want a couple more attention and it can only be from understanding partner.
Love is a feeling someone of the opposite sex because of interest in something that is owned by the opposite sex (such as the nature, face, etc.). But the necessary understanding and mutual understanding in order to continue the relationship, must mutually shortfalls and willing to accept their partner as it is, without coercion by either party. Sharing love together and share their grief together.
Love is something pure, white, sincere and pure that arise without any coercion or there is something artificial, I personally think that love can make that person can be motivated to make changes that lebihb aik than before he knew that love. Love is something that is sacred and we must not desecrate the holy love it with all our egoisan who just want a delicious delicious for us and not for you. TIPS: to preserve the love needed UNDERSTANDING!
Love, make happy, sad or blind. Love is full of sacrifice, the bitterness, the beauty and warmth. Love is a desire to give without having to ask for anything, but love will become more beautiful if both give and receive, so the warmth, harmony and togetherness through life can be achieved. Love is a word that has many meanings, depending on how we put this in life. Ai wa atatakai koto da.

Love it Love it could make people blind to everything just for the sake of love towards her lover. We also know what it means to love it. Psti Love can make people feel joy and sorrow at the same time when we try to get happiness together. So not for our own happiness. Nevertheless we must not served until one steps in order not to misery. Do it for someone you love so you do not feel useless without the order. Because that's what makes life more alive (Losta Masta).
Love is a feeling of warmth that can make us realize how precious we are, and the presence of someone so precious to us to protect. Love is not limited to words alone, for love is much more precious than the treasures of the world's most expensive too. When someone holds your hand and say "I love you ..." would be a warm feeling special! Therefore, when you've found someone so precious to you, do not ever remove it! But sometimes love is so painful, and the only way to show your love is just merlekan him go.


Cinta adalah hasrat untuk memiliki.

Cinta adalah sesuatu yang bisa membuat kita bahagia.

Cinta adalah sesuatu yang datang begitu saja yang membuat kita mengerti akan rasa kasih saying

Cinta itu perasaan yang tak dapat diartikan dengan kata-kata
Cinta adalah sebuah perasaan yang diberikan oleh Tuhan pada sepasang manusia untuk saling…. (saling mencintai, saling memiliki, saling memenuhi, saling pengertian dll). Cinta itu sendiri sama sekali tidak dapat dipaksakan, cinta hanya dapat brjalan apabila ke-2 belah phiak melakukan “saling” tersebut… cinta tidak dapat berjalan apabila mereka mementingkan diri sendiri. Karena dalam berhubungan, pasangan kita pasti menginginkan suatu perhatian lebih dan itu hanya bisa di dapat dari pengertian pasangannya.
Cinta itu perasaan seseorang terhadap lawan jenisnya karena ketertarikan terhadap sesuatu yang dimiliki oleh lawan jenisnya (misalnya sifat, wajah dan lain lain). Namun diperlukan pengertian dan saling memahami untuk dapat melanjutkan hubungan, haruslah saling menutupi kekurangan dan mau menerima pasangannya apa adanya, tanpa pemaksaan oleh salah satu pihak. Berbagi suka bersama dan berbagi kesedihan bersama.
Cinta itu adalah sesuatu yang murni, putih, tulus dan suci yang timbul tanpa adanya paksaan atau adanya sesuatu yang dibuat-buat, Menurut saya pribadi cinta itu dapat membuat orang itu dapat termotivasi untuk melakukan perubahan yang lebihb aik daripada sebelum ia mengenal cinta itu. Cinta itu sesuatu yang suci dan janganlah kita menodai cinta yang suci itu dengan ke-egoisan kita yang hanya menginginkan enaknya buat kita dan ndak enaknya buat kamu. TIPS; untuk mengawetkan cinta dibutuhkan PENGERTIAN!
Cinta, membuat bahagia, duka ataupun buta. Cinta itu penuh pengorbanan, kepahitan, keindahan dan kehangatan. Cinta adalah sebuah keinginan untuk memberi tanpa harus meminta apa-apa, namun cinta akan menjadi lebih indah jika keduanya saling memberi dan menerima, sehingga kehangatan, keselarasan dan kebersamaan menjalani hidup dapat tercapai. CInta adalah kata yang memiliki banyak makna, bergantung bagaimana kita menempatkannya dalam kehidupan. Ai wa atatakai koto da.

Cinta itu Cinta itu bisa membuat orang buta akan segalanya hanya demi rasa sayang terhadap sang kekasih. Kita juga tau apa maknanya cinta itu. Cinta psti bisa membuat orang merasakan suka dan duka pada waktu yang sama ketika kita berusaha mendapat kebahagiaan bersama. Jadi bukanlah kebahagiaan untuk kita sendiri. Meskipun demikian kita jangan samapi salah langkah agar tidak menuju kesengsaraan. Lakukanlah demi orang yang kamu kasihi agar kau tidak merasa sia-sia tanpa guna. Karena hal itulah yang membuat hidup menjadi lebih hidup (Losta Masta).
Cinta adalah perasaan hangat yang mampu membuat kita menyadari betapa berharganya kita, dan adanya seseorang yang begitu berharga untuk kita lindungi. CInta tidaklah sebatas kata-kata saja, karena cinta jauh lebih berharga daripada harta karun termahal di dunia pun. Saat seseorang memegang tanganmu dan bilang ” Aku cinta kamu…” pasti menjadi perasaan hangat yang istimewa! Karena itu, saat kamu sudah menemukan seseorang yang begitu berharga buat kamu, jangan pernah lepaskan dia! Namun adakalanya cinta begitu menyakitkan, dan satu-satunya jalan untuk menunjukkan cintamu hanyalah merlekan dia pergi.

My Motto

My 5 Motto and Principle

1.Iman and taqwa
2.Be on time time and appreciate the time
3.Diligent, and tenacious
5.Confident and never give up

5 Mottoku
1.Iman dan taqwa
2.Tepat waktu dan menghargai waktu
3,Tekun, dan ulet
5.Percaya diri dan pantang menyerah